Have you been searching for a way to make money without ACTUALLY spending any money to get started? Maybe you've been looking at Multi-Level Marketing companies or even Direct Sales and find that the only way to get started is to spend $50 to $99 or more on a kit and hope to make your money back within just a few months.
With Living Perfectly You, you can start your own business for FREE for 90 days! That's right, absolutely NO money down! If you decide to research Living Perfectly You, you will see that our lowest startup is $10 per month, however, you get 90 days for FREE that is called the 90-day Quick Start Challenge. You are given 90 days for free to start making money right away and then your credit card will be charged only $10 per month.
So who is Living Perfectly You?
Living Perfectly You is an American company, born back in 1996 and offers several different types of products for people of all ages. Living Perfectly You started out with just 200 products selling mostly gift items and in 2003 grew to over 3,000 products. Living Perfectly You is a sister company to MGS Products LLC but since January 1, 2020, Living Perfectly You is one single company.
What does Living Perfectly You Offer?
Living Perfectly You offers the ability to sell products anywhere online. If you choose to do dropshipping, Living Perfectly You will allow this. Living Perfectly You cannot be successful unless YOU are successful. So there are NO rules on how or where you sell the products.
Maybe you want to be a part of a team. Join the Living Perfectly You team as an Ambassador and grow your team and make a commission off their sales. You make 2-10% commission up to 5 levels deep. Living Perfectly You acts as a direct sales business by offering a 90-day Quick Start bonus for building your team as well as for your sales. The more you make in retail sales, the better the bonus plus enjoy Lifetime Bonuses where you get paid more cash for your retail sales. Up to $2,000 in sales plus $64,000 in Team Volume sales will give you up to 40% commission plus $800 in cash bonus! Plus up to 10% commission on your team sales.
You can also sell on your own website by selecting the products that fit in with what you already sell.
Living Perfectly You also offers a great opportunity for fundraising. Fundraisers get 50% commission right away and the Ambassador will get 15% commission on the sales made. Fundraisers can be for-profit or non-profit. A tax ID number is required as well as additional information about the cause will need to be submitted and approved before a fundraiser will be accepted.
Are you ready to join Living Perfectly You? Sign up today and become a member.